
package x3_1;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.security.spec.ECPoint;

public class Pairing {
	static BigInteger px = new BigInteger("1");

	static BigInteger py = new BigInteger("2");

	static BigInteger qx = new BigInteger("8");

	static BigInteger qy = new BigInteger("23");

	static BigInteger r = new BigInteger("2");

	static Integer k = new Integer("1");
//	static final BigInteger p = new BigInteger("5");
//	 p = 2^160 + 7;
	static final BigInteger p = new BigInteger(

	static BigInteger A = new BigInteger("2");

	static BigInteger B = new BigInteger("1");

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		ECPoint P = new ECPoint(px, py);
		ECPoint Q = new ECPoint(qx, qy);
		ECPoint P2 = Elictip_Adder.ECpointAdder(A, B, p, P, P);
		ECPoint Q2 = Elictip_Adder.ECpointAdder(A, B, p, Q, Q);

		System.out.println("P = P(" + P.getAffineX() + "," + P.getAffineY() + ")");
		System.out.println("Q = Q(" + Q.getAffineX() + "," + Q.getAffineY() + ")");
 		BigInteger e1 = Miller_Algorithm.Miller(P2, Q, r, k, A, B, p);
		System.out.println("pairing for the two point 2P,Q");
		System.out.println("2P = P(" + P2.getAffineX() + "," + P2.getAffineY() + ")  online:" + online(P2, A, B, p));
		System.out.println("e(2P,Q) = " + e1);
		BigInteger e2 = Miller_Algorithm.Miller(P, Q2, r, k, A, B, p);
		System.out.println("pairing for the two point P,2Q");
		System.out.println("2Q = Q(" + Q2.getAffineX() + "," + Q2.getAffineY() + ")  online:" + online(Q2, A, B, p));
		System.out.println("e(P,2Q) = " + e2);
	public static boolean online (ECPoint P, BigInteger A, BigInteger B, BigInteger p){
		BigInteger x = P.getAffineX();
		BigInteger y = P.getAffineY();
		BigInteger tmp1 = (x.pow(3).add(x.multiply(A)).add(B)).mod(p);
		BigInteger tmp2 = y.pow(2).mod(p);
		return tmp1.equals(tmp2);